All Time Favorites

Anne of Green Gables , Anne of Avonlea , Anne of the Island , Anne's House of Dreams by L. M. Montgomery I missed out on these as a child. My fifth grade best friend had an omnibus of three of the Anne books and I remember tilting my head left while she tilted her head right and we each tried to read it at the same time! Cute story aside, this writing was a little too much for me at that age and I didn't read Anne until I was finishing my sophomore in high school and saw the Kevin Sullivan movie on TV. I immediately dug out the copy of Anne of Green Gables I had held onto for years and read it. Loved it. I went on to read the next four Anne books before I finished junior year. I bog down in Windy Poplars because the tone reads so differently than the others - learning that L. M. wrote Windy Poplars and Ingleside years later to "fill in the gaps" about Anne explained why I had so much trouble with it. I think of these four Anne books as the original stories, and I ...