We Love L.M Montgomery Week - The LMM Tag

The LMM Tag 1. Who introduced you to L. M. Montgomery's writing? Tell us the story! When I was in 5th grade my best friend (whose taste I admired - I read a lot of series and she was a more mature reader than I was) was reading an LMM omnibus and I leaned my head to the left to read Anne of Green Gables while she leaned right to read one of the later books. This lasted all of a few minutes, haha. I got my own copy and tried to read it - while I was a big reader, the writing was a little hard for me and I ended up putting the book on my shelf and moving on to something else. Several years later, when I was a sophomore in high school, I caught part of the 1985 miniseries on PBS and was intrigued - THIS was the book I had struggled with as kid? I found my old copy in a cardboard box in my basement (bound for a yard sale!) and cracked it open. This time I absolutely loved it! This was my character, my book, my town. I went on to read Anne of Avonlea that summer, then Anne of ...